Sitaram Jaipuria Foundation Medical & Healthcare Excellence Awards

Registrations closed. Stay tuned for more updates.

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Excellence in Medicine & Healthcare (Rs.50 lakhs )

Excellence in Medicine & Healthcare (Rs.50 lakhs )This award aims at honouring an individual who has made, and continues to make, an outstanding contribution to improving clinical care and fostering innovations in India.

Eligibility Criteria:

a) Should have an excellent track record in the following domains:

Clinical Care
Policy & Public health
Institution building

b) Should possess strong and demonstrated Ethical, Moral and Human Values such as compassionate care and societal contributions.


Outstanding Contribution in Covid Care (Rs.30 lakhs)

This award aims at honouring an individual who has been consistently involved in clinical care during COVID pandemic in India and made seminal contribution beyond the call of duty.

Eligibility Criteria:

a) Excellence in clinical care with improved outcomes in COVID patients

b) Contribution to new knowledge in Covid care and dissemination thereof

c) Enabled change in policy and patient care practices with improved outcomes

d) Selfless service

Emerging Young Leader in Medicine (Rs.15 lakhs)

This award aims at honouring an young individual (< 45 years) who has made, and continues to make, an outstanding contribution to medicine and research in India.

Eligibility Criteria:

a) Novel contributions to Medicine/Medical Research in India – The award can be given for an outstanding invention or discovery or for a cumulative body of work.

b) Demonstrates exemplary skills and initiatives in the art and science of medicine.

c) Has leadership qualities and is a true Emerging leader.

d) Has raised substantial grants from both national & international agencies.

e) Academic research contribution exemplified by high impact publications.

Exemplary Leadership in Rural Healthcare (Rs.15 lakhs)

This award aims at honouring an individual who has made, and continues to make, an outstanding contribution to furthering wellness and healthcare quality, accessibility and affordability in rural/hard-to-reach/tribal areas in India.

Eligibility Criteria:

a) Demonstrates exemplary initiatives in promoting wellness and improving healthcare quality for in rural/remote/tribal areas in India.

b) Developed novel and innovative healthcare models which could be adopted as best practice for uplifting of rural health

c) Demonstrates sustained leadership and initiative that is worthy of emulation

Statutes (Applicable to all the awards)

  • The awards will be given once every year to Indian Nationals with substantial work in India.
  • The applicants/nominees should have one or more of the academic qualifications namely MBBS/ MD/ MS/ DNB/ DM/MCH.
  • In case of joint / shared work, only the lead applicant/nominee will be considered for the award.
  • The award money may be subject to taxes as imposed by the Government of India.

  • Only the applications/nominations received on or before the last date will be considered.
  • In case no suitable candidate is found from among the applications/nominations received, the Jury may nominate a candidate of its own or decide not to give the award at all.
  • The selection by the Jury will be subject to usual due diligence on Ethical, Moral and Human Values. Based on the outcome of such due diligence, the Governing Council may require the Jury to reconsider the selection.


The decision of the Jury shall be final and binding on all.